too late to save the party
there will come a time when it would have been too late to read harry potter for the very first time. too late to learn how to drive a car, to look up the correct way of storing tupperware. too late to cut fruits too large; too soon to leave, too late to arrive. too soon for listing of regrets, too late for listing of buckets. too late for a savings account. too late to teach new dogs old tricks. too late to get in shape, too late to get out of bed.
but that day is not today.
there is yet time to gather friends, to cry into overflowing whiskey-stained coffee mugs, time to beg another rendition of a lullaby. there is yet time to go around the room for a few last embarrassing stories, time to democratically elect meaning to suffering and afterlife. there is yet time, and people, to cut up a 7kilo watermelon for without having to settle for a smaller fruit.
there is yet time to leave, time to arrive, time to mourn, time to die.